You asked, we answered! Whether it’s a busy schedule or lack of a dance partner, many of you have been asking for practice time at the studio so we offer an instructor-supervised practice session at the studio one select Thursday of the month from 8:30 – 10:30 p.m.! Practice sessions offer Salsa and Bachata songs of varying speeds and you will have the opportunity to dance with other students to practice patterns you have been learning in Salsa dance classes or Bachata dance classes or have seen out on the dance floor!
Have questions? Ask! We will be here to help you work on technique, timing, and transitions!
Drop-in for $10 (covers both hours) or use one of your classes from your dance class package! Space is limited, so register early to secure your spot. Also, we try to balance out attendees so signing up early give us the opportunity to balance out the gender ratio! Reserve your spot now – space is limited!